第9章 白雪皇后的七个故事 续1(12 / 12)

光玩不行 / 著

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how men and animals are obliged to serve her, and how well she has got through the world, barefooted as she is


she cannot receive any power from me greater than she now has, which consists in her own purity and innocence of heart


if she cannot herself obtain access to the snow queen, and remove the glass fragments from little kay, we can do nothing to help her


two miles from here the snow queen’s garden begins;


you can carry the little girl so far, and set her down by the large bush which stands in the snow, covered with red berries


do not stay gossiping, but e back here as quickly as you can”


then the finland woman lifted little gerda upon the reindeer, and he ran away with her as quickly as he could

“哦,我忘了我的靴子和手套了,” 小格尔达一感觉到刺骨的寒冷就叫了起来,但是驯鹿不敢停下来,所以它一直跑到长着红浆果的灌木那里;

“oh, i have forgotten my boots and my mittens,” cried little gerda, as soon as she felt the cutting cold, but the reindeer dared not stop, so he ran on till he reached the bush with the red berries;


here he set gerda down, and he kissed her, and the great bright tears trickled over the animal’s cheeks;


then he left her and ran back as fast as he could


there stood poor gerda, without shoes, without gloves, in the midst of cold, dreary, ice - bound finland


she ran forwards as quickly as she could, when a whole regiment of snow - flakes came round her;


they did not, however, fall from the sky, which was quite clear and glittering with the northern lights


the snow - flakes ran along the ground, and the nearer they came to her, the larger they appeared


gerda remembered how large and beautiful they looked through the burning - glass


but these were really larger, and much more terrible, for they were alive, and were the guards of the snow queen, and had the strangest shapes


some were like great porcupines, others like twisted serpents with their heads stretching out, and some few were like little fat bears with their hair bristled;


but all were dazzlingly white, and all were living snow - flakes


then little gerda repeated the lord’s prayer, and the cold was so great that she could see her own breath e out of her mouth like steam as she uttered the words


the steam appeared to increase, as she continued her prayer, till it took the shape of little angels who grew larger the moment they touched the earth


they all wore helmets on their heads, and carried spears and shields


their number continued to increase more and more;


and by the time gerda had finished her prayers, a whole legion stood round her


they thrust their spears into the terrible snow - flakes, so that they shivered into a hundred pieces, and little gerda could go forward with courage and safety


the angels stroked her hands and feet, so that she felt the cold less, and she hastened on to the snow queen’s castle


but now we must see what kay is doing


in truth he thought not of little gerda, and never supposed she could be standing in the front of the palace

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