第9章 白雪皇后的七个故事 续1(10 / 12)

光玩不行 / 著

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it is so pretty


however, you shall not be frozen for the want of it;


here are my mother’s large warm mittens;


they will reach up to your elbows


let me put them on


there, now your hands look just like my mother’s”


but gerda wept for joy

“我不想看到你发愁,” 小强盗女孩说;

“i don’t like to see you fret,” said the little robber - girl;


“you ought to look quite happy now;


and here are two loaves and a ham, so that you need not starve”


these were fastened on the reindeer, and then the little robber - maiden opened the door, coaxed in all the great dogs, and then cut the string with which the reindeer was fastened, with her sharp knife, and said, “now run, but mind you take good care of the little girl”

然后格尔达伸出戴着大手套的手,朝着小强盗女孩说:“再见,” 驯鹿就飞奔而去,越过树桩和石头,穿过大森林,跨过沼泽和平原,尽可能地快。

and then gerda stretched out her hand, with the great mitten on it, towards the little robber - girl, and said, “farewell,” and away flew the reindeer, over stumps and stones, through the great forest, over marshes and plains, as quickly as he could


the wolves howled, and the ravens screamed;


while up in the sky quivered red lights like flames of fire

“那是我故乡的北极光,” 驯鹿说;

“there are my old northern lights,” said the reindeer;


“see how they flash”


and he ran on day and night still faster and faster, but the loaves and the ham were all eaten by the time they reached lapland


sixth story


the lapland woman and the finland woman


they stopped at a little hut;


it was very mean looking;


the roof sloped nearly down to the ground, and the door was so low that the family had to creep in on their hands and knees, when they went in and out


there was no one at home but an old lapland woman, who was cooking fish by the light of a train - oil lamp


the reindeer told her all about gerda’s story, after having first told his own, which seemed to him the most important, but gerda was so pinched with the cold that she could not speak

“哦,你们这些可怜的家伙,” 拉普兰女人说,“你们还有很长的路要走呢。

“oh, you poor things,” said the lapland woman, “you have a long way to go yet


you must travel more than a hundred miles farther, to finland


the snow queen lives there now, and she burns bengal lights every evening


i will write a few words on a dried stock - fish, for i have no paper, and you can take it from me to the finland woman who lives there;

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