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this sudden thrilling scene, so that the nerves of the small sparrow excited, it in the envy of goshawk at the same time, but also produced an idea: since the goshawk can pick up the lamb, why can&39;t i, i am not more than the strength of the goshawk no, what the goshawk can do, i can do, and where the goshawk catches the lamb, i&39;ll catch the sheep

at this thought, the little sparrow flew up from the tree and circled over the sheepfold it caught sight of one of the largest sheep and pounce on it with its small claws, it seized the thick wool on the sheep&39;s back and wanted to carry it up to the sky

but the little sparrow is too much to handle, it can not pick up a sheep that is hundreds of times bigger than it! the bad thing was still to e, for the sheep had so often rolled on the ground that the wool became sticky, and the little sparrow&39;s feet got stuck in the wool, and it got entangled in the wool, and it pulled and pulled and pulled and got more and more entangled

the little sparrow&39;s actions had been seen by the shepherd, who had just seen the goshawk take a lamb, already full of fire, and had no place to vent now he saw a little sparrow, imitating the goshawk&39;s desire to take away a large sheep, and the more he thought, the angrier he became, the more ridiculous the thought became, and stepping a few steps to the little sparrow, he reached out and took it in his hand, and after breaking its wings, he tied it with a string, and then gave it to his son to play with

when the child was tired of playing, he killed the sparrow and asked the shepherd, &34;father, what did you give me just now&34;

the shepherd said in a contemptuous tone: &34;this is a little sparrow who does not know the height of heaven, it actually wants to imitate the goshawk to catch a sheep, this is ridiculous, it deserves to die!&34;

after telling the story of the sparrow imitating the goshawk, the crow said to the fox in a warning tone: &34;fox, i know you are full of bad ideas, i advise you not to learn from the sparrow, to imitate the capture of more powerful animals than you, so as not to regret it, i advise you to go back to the cave and give birth to your little fox!&34;

after all his efforts, the fox failed to win the crow&39;s trust, let alone make friends, and was so angry that he trembled and could not speak

seeing the fox like that, the crow was very happy he asked the fox deliberately, &34;hey, fox, what&39;s wrong with you do you still want to make friends with me&34;

&34;aych! &34;my eyes have been opened today,&34; said the fox, with a little sob in his voice &34;i thought i was the cleverest and most cunning animal in the world, but today i met an animal even more cunning and cunning than i am then the fox dragged his heavy body back to the cold and grim cave”


























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