第76章 第七十六章(1 / 1)

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&34;and finally fell to the ground at this time, about half an hour passed before the birth of the snowflakesfrom the clouds to the ground, this is a journey of thousands of meters on the way, the airflow changed the direction of snowflakes therefore, in this half hour, the road every snowflake traveled was unique sometimes they will encounter a plex water vapor environment or sudden strong winds these external factors will all be engraved on the snowflakes and carved into a unique appearance last week, the falling snowflakes were hexagonal sheets, indicating that water was scarce in the atmosphere today, the snowflakes are lush and amazing, indicating that the water vapor along the way is very sufficientthe little sparrow waited for a long time, and finally it was his turn to write at the end he happily wrote, &34;it&39;s a pity that you hibernate and can&39;t watch the beautiful snowflakes with everyone and celebrate the rabbit&39;s painting award but it doesn&39;t matter when you wake up in spring, let&39;s take a look at the rabbit&39;s painting the snowflakes he painted are exactly the same as the real ones! let&39;s celebrate the little rabbit together thenin the snowflakes flying all over the sky, the letter was placed in front of the bear&39;s house in a short time, several snowflakes fell lightly on the letter, as if they were winter blessings from snowflakes”
























“the little frog is about to celebrate his birthday on his birthday, he prepared a lot of delicious food and waited for the arrival of his good friend little turtle at homethe little frog has been waiting for a long time, but the little turtle hasn&39;t e yet the little frog looked at the alarm clock, but the alarm clock had been broken for a long time what should i doit was getting dark, and the little frog thought to himself: will the little turtle be stepped on by someone on the way here he can&39;t turn over and can&39;t get up oh, the little frog waited for a while, but the little turtle still didn&39;t e, so the little frog decided to find the little turtleno, i&39;m going to look for himbut as soon as the little frog opened the door, it saw the little turtlethe little frog said, &34;what do you think happened to you&34;the little turtle said: no, i&39;m going to buy you a giftafter saying that, he gave the gift to the little frogwhen the little frog saw it, it turned out to be a small alarm clockthe little frog was very happy: i finally had a new little alarm clock, so the two good friends had a happy birthday togetherchildren, the story is over the careful little turtle gave the little frog the best birthday gift why because he made his friends feel his sincerity and carefulness do you always receive a lot of gifts on your birthday do you remember what kind of gift moved you the most”

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