第499章 大结局(第三版)(2 / 2)

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1、(20195-7)when people were researching rodent ■蛊 at fortxd, this ■蛊 mutated, and became transmissable from rodents to human beings, which led to the infection of an asian animal caretaker because the staff did not sterilize the waste water, those water that contained ■蛊got into the waste water system of the neighbor munity

2、(20198-10)because the military background of fortxd,■蛊was covered。this ■蛊 was firstly believed to be not very harmful to human being because ■蛊 has not adapted to human body however, with more and more people got infected, there were five strains of ■蛊 that finally mutated enough to fully adapt human body in order to cover this up, the cdc put guidelines to diagnose ■蛊 as “vaping illness“ or “influenza“

3、(201911-至今)when some people in the system realize it cannot be hold any more, they figured out a way to blame it to cn what they did, is to send soldiers that were training at the facility nearby fortxd to go to the jiangcity soldier sport gmaes, and brought the ■蛊 to jiangcity but thanks to doctors in jiangcity, they discovered this ■蛊 soon enough far sooner than someone expected back then all other countries were trying to block cn, but no one knows that us was the real resource so one by one, almost all countries became victims of the ■蛊 because of he closed relationship with us, many countries got this ■蛊 even before cn announced

4、mad king keep blaming cn like crazy, meanwhile, do nothing about the ■蛊 inside us he may try to do this to make the tracking of ■蛊 more difficult but his efforts are useless from the scientific point of view

5、(20201)smantha"s professor tryed to go to cn to contribute his knowledgebut he died even before being able to get on the plane。before he went, he left a final will to samantha

6、(20207)samantha took rodent ■蛊"s rna sequences from the sequence, the way of mutation from rodent to human is quite clear

she also brought the autopsy details of patient zero, the asian animal caretaker; brought the autopsy details of patients that died from “vaping illness“ and “flu season“ she also brought the full decision of cdc to shut down fortxd;

those data include pictures, videos, pcr and anti_b□dy tests, that can proof the original source of ■蛊;

she also brought the contract between the pany that makes【■绿魁】with fortxd,yet again, proof the nature of antixhumanity and anyixscience of us




当年8月,在蛊王在中国的防御工作告一段落之际,颜然和另一位■院士,被同时授予了最高荣誉的【decoration and medal awarded by the prc】。


这则news一经播出,立即引来了全世界的强烈反响及关注。在海外,关于“颜然果然是■■的■■”的讨论一时间甚嚣尘上,但很奇怪的,在大米,所有媚体都像失了声一样,对此不置一评。这种现象被国内和其他海外的网民注意到,由此展开了非常丰富的联想:camadian suddenly stop holding the cfo, and daughter of hongmeng ceo;the mad king suddenly stop saying “jiangcity ■蛊”, and start asking people to wear a mask……



不过粉丝们欣慰的是,颜然目前才刚刚二十岁,再过三十年,也依旧是风华正茂的人。到时,他们还能为颜然庆祝解密,并再一次了解这位female hero,当年究竟是做了什么。


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